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GayVeterans.us Congratulates Tom Swann Hernandez on his 30th Anniversary of his historic lawsuit against the Dept. of the Navy for gay discrimination.
He is honoring then Sec. of the Navy John Dalton. Please take a moment and read how the Navy changed their ways and affects YOU. https://www.swannsalutesjohndalton.com


“More veterans with other-than-honorable discharges will be able to access federal benefits under new rules announced by the Department of Veterans Affairs on Thursday. Officials said the rules are designed to ensure that troops booted for homosexuality, undiagnosed mental health issues or other questionable reasons can access needed care and are recognized for their service.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/va-expands-benefits-options-for-vets-with-other-than-honorable-status/ar-AA1nF9iu

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Post Exchange

We now have a growing PX for your shopping needs! All merchants have signed on because they Support and Thank You for your service as LGBTQ Veterans! Please check back often as we continue to add those who sign on. All proceeds go right back to GayVeterans.us keeping it updated and online. We thank you in advance for your support.

When applied to the following merchants to be a part of the PX, they simply denied our application. Apparently, the following merchants so far don’t want your business:  BJ’s, Columbia, Costco, Cuisinart, FedEx, Hello Fresh, Hotels.com, Macy’s, Nike, Office Depot, Orbitz, Travelocity, USAA, Zappo’s, Farberware, 1-800-Flowers, Panera Bread, Pet Friendly, Academy Sports, Old Navy, Jockey International.